Many of my psychic reading clients have been young and quite spiritually evolved. Recently I had the privilege of doing a reading for a young woman who is ready for the most joyful life possible. It brought me to happy tears to see her Spirit shine through so brightly! It was pure radiance. Inspired by our lovely session, it feels important that I share another reminder that we ARE Spirit and our true essence is joy and optimism. We are meant to live happy and creative lives. That's what we intended before we entered these human bodies.
To reach our happiest state, we are called to be gentle with ourselves and others. To do so we must be proactive in surrounding ourselves with gentle people, situations and environments as well as choosing gentle thoughts. There will always be chaos in the world. But with practice we can learn to shift negative reactions into more gentle and loving thoughts and feelings. When we do this, our vibrations will rise and we will attract better experiences. Even better, when we collectively combine our gentle energies we can help to soften and shift troubling situations into higher and less chaotic vibrations. There is power in numbers! So, gentle souls, I welcome your thoughts about all this. What have you discovered about your human relationship with your Spirit? How has gentleness positively changed a situation or a negative emotion for you? I'd love to hear! Always remember that you are powerful creators!. Gently and Lovingly, JoAnn [email protected] PS: A psychic reading can help to clarify your questions and guide your choices. I would love to be of help in your journey. Photo credit: Tom Norquist Reflections |
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